Write for us

Are you interested in writing for us? Do you have certain information that you would like to share with our daily viewers? Then kindly write to us with your blog articles; provided they fit our site criteria, we will gladly put them up for the world to read.

What can you share?
You can share anything lifestyle related. Whether it is an article on tips on combating depression or healthy lifestyle tips, give us all the information you have and send it to us. We usually respond within 24 hours so hold tight after your submissions! Moreover, make sure your content is of excellent quality and unique. Images are also appreciated so be as creative as you can be.

Here is our email: kainatatwork@gmail.com

Send Proper Content

Let’s not forget … this is Healthtaining! We have a standard of excellence that our readers expect from us. So, take proper care to share your views through unique content. No copied content will be taken into consideration. Images will be very much appreciated. If you are creative then this is the time to show it!!

Don’t Forget To Email

Of Course, we forgot to mention the email!! Send your articles to “kainatatwork@gmail.com” and rest assured we will reply once we have gone through our daily mail.